
We all do it, right?

We are making progress, taking steps in the direction of our goals, experiencing some level of success along the way… and then we do something that stops us in our tracks.

We make a poor decision, we say something we don’t mean to, or we let procrastination settle in.

Before we know it, we feel like we’ve taken a dozen steps backward and we feel like shit. 

We promise ourselves, “I’m never going to let this happen again!” Yet next month we repeat the same or very similar cycle and we’re back at square one.

Why do we do this to ourselves? Why are we able to clearly see our faults looking backward and not in the moment before it’s too late? How can we increase our level of awareness, so that we make the right decisions at the right time?   

Let’s break it down.

Why Does Self-Sabotage Happen?

The simple answer is a lack of self-awareness.

Think about it – if you were aware of everything you were doing and the consequences of all of your actions all of the time, then you would easily be able to notice if you were about to sabotage your own progress.

The problem is that we become ignorant to the long-term effects of our decisions in the present moment.

We think to ourselves…

  • “I’ve had a long day and I’m tired, so I’ll just skip one day of working out.”
  • “I did a lot of work last week, so I’ll take it easy for the next few days.”
  • “He’s being an asshole today, so screw it… I’m done being nice.”

Whatever logical thought we have, if it allows us to let off some steam and relax then we’ll take it.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s a time and a place for doing so, but if we’re not conscious about our choices then we allow them to perpetuate for days and sometimes even weeks!

What we fail to see is that by choosing to back off from our positive progress, we set in motion the energy of apathy.

Keep The Lid On Your Dream

An analogy I love is boiling water.

If you get a pot of water, turn on the stove, and begin raising the temperature, eventually the water begins to get really hot. 

If you put a lid on the pot, the water reaches boiling temperature faster than normal.

But, if you take the lid off, all of the steam that would accelerate the boiling process is released and it takes way longer. 

Taking a long break, allowing yourself to procrastinate, or turning to negativity is like taking the lid off and letting the steam out of the pot.

All of that energy that you’ve created in the direction of your desired outcome is dissipated and you’ll most likely have to start from scratch. 

The Way Out – Part One

Increasing our awareness is the only way to overcome self-sabotage, so let’s talk about that now.

The truth of who we are is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Our spiritual nature is infinite and we experience it through oneness. Our human nature is finite and we experience it through duality (up/down, hot/cold, right/wrong, masculine/feminine, me/you, etc.).

Since our human nature is in the duality of life, we also have two sides to our human nature. We have a part of us that wants to move forward and we have a part of us that wants to stay in our comfort zone.

It’s the second part of our human nature that causes self-sabotage and if we are not aware enough to recognize which side of our human nature we are operating from, then it’s inevitable for us to halt our forward momentum.

The good news is that you can develop your awareness to such a high degree that you can consistently side with the part of you that wants to progress everyday and say good-bye to self-sabotage for good!

To help you get there, we need to talk about the emotional factor.

The Way Out – Part Two

We are often wrapped up by our emotions, right?

No matter what emotions we are experiencing, whether it’s fear, happiness, anxiousness, joy, anger, excitement… we are primarily in our body and in our mind.

We stay here most often because it’s familiar for us in the human experience. But, it’s only a part of who we are. Remember, we are also spiritual beings.

As a spiritual being, you have access to a great power that can completely change your life. This power is the capacity to notice what you’re noticing.

In other words, you’re able to notice what thoughts you are entertaining and what feelings you are experiencing. By noticing what you’re noticing, you have the God-given ability to choose to amplify positive thoughts and emotions, as well as dial down negative thoughts and emotions.

This is in essence siding with the part of your human nature that wants to move forward! It’s simple to say, but not easy to do, especially when you’re stuck in negative thoughts and emotions.

This takes discipline and practice, but the rewards are worth it.

Side with the part of you that wants to move forward today and have a great day!

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